Top 20 Digestion and Absorption NEET Questions

Biology is the most important subject for the candidates during the NEET UG preparation. Candidates are always thinking to done everything related to all subjects of NEET exam questions. Food is an important aspect or fundamental requirement for living life. Food helps us to get all mineral, vitamins, and organic compounds for our body. This article helps you to understand the information of the top 20 digestions and absorption NEET questions. 


Top 20 Questions of Digestion and Absorption

1). A young infant may be feeding entirely on mother’s milk, which is white but the stools, which the infant passes out are quite yellowish. What is this yellow color due to? 


  1. Intestinal juice
  2. Bile pigments passed through bile juice
  3. Undigested milk protein casein
  4. Pancreatic juice poured into duodenum

Answer: 2


2). A dental disease characterized by moltting of teeth is due to the presence of a certain chemical element in drinking water. Which of the following is that element? 


  1. Mercury
  2. Chlorine
  3. Fluorine
  4. Boron

Answer: 3


3). Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an otherwise normal human, may lead to  


  1. indigestion
  2. jaundice
  3. diarrhoea
  4. vomiting

Answer: 1


4). Two friends are eating together on a dining table. One of them suddenly starts coughing while swallowing some food. This coughing would have been due to improper movement of 


  1. diaphragm
  2. neck
  3. tongue
  4. epiglottis

Answer: 4


5). Which one of the following is a protein deficiency disease?

  1. Eczema
  2. Cirrhosis
  3. Kwashiorkor
  4. Night blindness

Answer: 3


6). Rennin acts on


  1. milk changing casein into calcium paracaseinate at 7.2 – 8.2 pH
  2. protein in stomach
  3. fat in intestine
  4. milk changing casein into calcium paracaseinate at 1-3 pH

Answer: 4


7). In vertebrates’ lacteals are found in


  1. ileum
  2. ischium
  3. oesophagous
  4. ear

Answer: 1


8). Release of pancreatic juice is stimulated by 

  1. enterokinase
  2. cholecystokinin
  3. secretin
  4. Both 2 and ;3

Answer: 4


9). The hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice is 


  1. gastrin
  2. renin 
  3. enterokinase
  4. enterogasterone

Answer: 1


10). The enzyme enterokinase helps in the conversion of 


  1. pepsinogen into pepsin
  2. trypsinogen into trypsin
  3. caseinogen into casein
  4. proteins into polypeptides

Answer: 2


11). The richest sources of vitamin-B12 are 


  1. goat’s liver and Spirulina
  2. chocolate and green gram
  3. rice and hen’s egg
  4. carrot and chicken’s breast

Answer: 1


12). Which one of the following vitamin can be synthesised by bacteria inside the gut? 


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. Both b and c

Answer: 1


13). Most of the digestion occurs in 


  1. rectum
  2. stomach
  3. duodenum
  4. small intestine

Answer: 4


14). Which one of the following is a matching pair of a substrate and its particular digestive enzyme? 


  1. Maltose – Maltase
  2. Lactose – Renin     
  3. Starch – Steapsin
  4. Casein – Chymotrypsin

Answer: 1


15). What is common among amylase, rennin and trypsin? 


  1. These all are proteins
  2. These all are proteolytic enzymes
  3. These are produced in stomach
  4. These act as a pH lower than 7

Answer: 1


16). A patient is generally advised to especially, consume more meat, lentils, milk and eggs in diet only when he suffers from 


  1. kwashiorkor
  2. rickets
  3. anaemia
  4. scurvy

Answer: 1


17). Stool of a person contains whitish grey colour due to malfunction of which type of organ ?


  1. Pancreas
  2. Spleen
  3. Kidney
  4. Liver

Answer: 4


18). Which one of the following pairs of food components in humans reaches the stomach undigested? 


  1. Protein and starch
  2. Starch and fat
  3. Fat and cellulose
  4. Starch and cellulose

Answer: 3


19). Lactose is composed of


  1. glucose + fructose
  2. glucose + glucose
  3. glucose + galactose
  4. fructose + galactose

Answer: 3


20). Fructose is absorbed into the blood through mucosa cells of the intestine by the process called 


  1. active transport
  2. facilitated transport
  3. simple diffusion
  4. co-transport mechanism

Answer: 2

Biology is Most Scoring Subject in NEET

When you are thinking to score the highest in the NEET Examination or above 600 to get government college for MBBS in India then you have to take care of all subject marks. The most scored subject in NEET is Biology because a maximum number of questions are from this subject. Therefore, understanding the Digestion and Absorption NEET Questions is a vital thing for the candidates that they need to focus on for more scores in the examination. 

See Also : Things That You Need to Know About NEET 2022 Application Form Date

See Also : UP NEET Counselling Details at UPDGME Website

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